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- EGODATA Contents
- Version 1.8.1
- 2/7/94
- Manifest
- In this release of the EGODATA, you should find the following
- files:
- contents.hlp
- detector.FITS
- hotspot.FITS
- lw.correction.FITS
- lw.off.FITS
- lw_ea.FITS
- lw_lim.FITS
- lw_psf.FITS
- mkdataproducts.cl
- mw.correction.FITS
- mw.off.FITS
- mw_ea.FITS
- mw_lim.FITS
- mw_psf.FITS
- pipeline
- quaternion.FITS
- reference
- sw.correction.FITS
- sw.off.FITS
- sw_ea.FITS
- sw_lim.FITS
- sw_psf.FITS
- tifdeadtime.FITS
- unfits.cl
- All files with the .FITS suffix are standard FITS format files.
- All other files are simple ASCII text files.
- File Types
- Files with "sw", "mw", and "lw" prefixes describe the
- characteristics of the EUVE short, medium, and long wavelength
- spectrometer channels.
- The "correction.FITS" file is a calibration IMAGE that corrects
- for instrument aberrations.
- The "off.FITS" file is another calibration IMAGE that corrects
- for off-boresight aberrations.
- The "_ea.FITS" files contain the effective areas for each
- spectrometer.
- The "_lim.FITS" files contain the nominal operating conditions of
- the instrument.
- The "_psf.FITS" files contain the PSFs for each spectrometer.
- The "detector.FITS" file contain other information about the
- spectrometer channels. "hotspot.FITS" contains various hotspots
- that have been noticed on the spectrometers. The
- "quaternion.FITS" contains orientation information about the
- spectrometers. The "mkdataproducts.cl", "pipeline", and
- "reference" files describe the nominal processing.
- The "tifdeadtime.FITS" contains additional calibration
- information.
- Changes since last major EGODATA release:
- The permitted widths of strings in ST table ASCII columns have
- been restored to their normal lengths. Since conversion to FITS
- format tends to "blank pad" strings, this EGODATA release is only
- compatible with egocs1.3 or later.
- detector.FITS
- Deep survey (ds) and scanner (sca,scb,scc) information added
- [sw|mw|lw]_psf.FITS
- FWHM values corrected
- hotspot.FITS
- FWHM values corrected
- [sw|mw|lw].correction.FITS
- New, more accurate wavelength solutions have been implemented.
- reference.FITS
- module "Read LW Photon Events" was misnamed "Read LW Spectrometer Events"
- unfits.cl
- new IRAF script to aid in unFITSing egodata FITS files
- now contains EGODATA version number
- Changes in egodata1.8.1
- mkdataproducts.cl
- Turned off warning messages for the mkprimbsch task
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ADDENDUM -- PSF Changes
- 16 Feb 1994
- The instrument point spread function (PSF), given in the
- fwhm1 column in the sw_psf.tab, mw_psf.tab, and lw_psf.tab files, was
- converted in egodata1.8 (and later egodata versions) from one sigma
- to FWHM (full width half max) values, in order to match
- the stated column name and table units.
- Unfortunately, the SPECMOD spectral modeling task in euv1.3
- expects the PSF values to be in one sigma units (despite what
- the column name and table units are). Thus SPECMOD will
- yield incorrect values if the PSF is applied.